Thailand Without Orphans

Country Profile: Thailand

Total Population: 69.6 million
Total Children under the age of 18: 16.4 million
The situation of children in Thailand

There are currently 20,000 children living on the streets in Thailand's main cities. Many children in Thailand are victims of physical or sexual violence or abuse. Most instances of sexual violence are against young girls, which seriously impacts their lives.

The Challenges:

  • Around one million children live in vulnerable conditions in Thailand. These include those who live in poverty, have lost parental care, have a disability, or are forced to live on the streets. 
  • Around 290,000 children have been left without parental care due to HIV/AIDS. It is also estimated that 200 to 300 children will be born HIV-positive each year.
  • Out of the 20,000 children affected by HIV/AIDS, only 1,000 have access to medical care.
  • More than 10,000 children are treated in hospitals each year due to violence, primarily sexual abuse.
  • 9% of children between the ages of 5-14 are involved in work.

Other Information about Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and Family Care in Thailand:

Better Care Network Information on Family-Based Care in Thailand 

More information for prayer at Operation World


"Source: UNICEF, Humanium, SOS Children's Villages International".

National Stories

Stories and Videos - God is Keeping Families Together in Chiang Mai!

Orphan’s Promise began its first Keeping Families Together (KFT) project in Thailand in 2009. Since that time, 75 families and 307 family members have benefited from the program which has now extended beyond the borders of Thailand. Orphan’s Promise supports seven KFT projects in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos.
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