Orphan’s Promise began its first Keeping Families Together (KFT) project in Thailand in 2009. Since that time, 75 families and 307 family members have benefited from the program which has now extended beyond the borders of Thailand. Orphan’s Promise supports seven KFT projects in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos.
Tim Daniell, Orphan's Promise OP Regional Project Manager, shares, "God is a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, and He sets the lonely in families. Psalm 68:5-6 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. It reveals God’s heart for the lonely and broken. It also gives some insight into His design and intent for family to be a place of love and nurture for children, and a place of forgiveness and belonging for those who choose to be adopted into His spiritual family. Orphan’s Promise (OP) aims to live out this aspect of God’s heart through its Keeping Families Together (KFT) program.
The KFT program has a vision to see every orphaned or vulnerable child become part of a safe, loving and sustainable family, that has been empowered and strengthened through the local church in their community. To achieve this, the KFT program mobilizes the local church and community to strengthen families of orphaned and vulnerable children through holistic development trainings, income generation assistance, educational opportunities, psychosocial support, health care, and spiritual nurture. Each KFT family participates in the program for a period of 18 months. At the end of the term, the families go away on a graduation camp to celebrate their achievement. Read more about what God is doing...
Watch and share these stories below of church leaders who are seeing God work through their efforts to keep families together. The church in these interviews was very small when they started their KFT project with less than 50 members and very limited resources, only rented facilities and no paid staff, but have since been able to run a very successful KFT project and two years later their church has doubled in size and is having an amazing impact in the lives of families and in their community! Praise God!
KFT Pastor Interview
KFT Church Project Manager