Country Profile: Burundi
Total Population: 11.8 million
Total Children under the age of 18: 6.3 million
The situation of children in Burundi
The Challenges:
- 610,000 children in Burundi are orphans.
- The rising numbers of children living in the streets without parental care.
- In Burundi, 78% of children live in poverty. Child poverty in Burundi significantly affects children in the rural parts of the country.
- Due to high levels of poverty, around 35% cent of all children in Burundi is undernourished.
- 90,000 children in Burundi were infected with HIV by their mothers during pregnancy.
- Violence in schools, including cases of sexual abuse by teachers, is one of the underlying causes of girls dropping out of school.
- 23% of children aged 6-14 years old remain out of school.
- Girls and boys are also internally trafficked for domestic work and sexual exploitation.
Other Information about Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and Family Care in Burundi
Better Care Network Information on Family-Based Care in Burundi
More information for prayer at Operation World
"Source: UNICEF, Humanium, SOS Children's Villages International".