orphan sunday

Unique opportunity to engage your local church

Orphan Sunday offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness, pray, and engage your local church in bringing care and love to the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children and families in your community and beyond. World Without Orphans’ partners from many countries participate in this important initiative annually, typically on a Sunday in November, though an Orphan Sunday event can be held any time of year.

The Bible reminds us that God’s heart is for orphans and widows (James 1:27/ Deuteronomy 10:18, 16:10/ Psalm 68:5-6/Isaiah 1:17) and that "God sets the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6). As Christians, we are called to share His special concern for the fatherless and to engage in caring for them. Orphan Sunday is a valuable tool in helping your church understand that this is a task for all believers, not just for a few specialists. It will also raise awareness and understanding of the needs of vulnerable children in your city, country, or other countries and provide opportunities for people to respond through prayer, giving, and practical involvement.

You are invited to explore, learn, and organize an Orphan Sunday in your church.

Orphan Sunday could be a significant first step on your journey as part of the global movement to see children thriving, families strong, and churches engaged. You can learn with us how to prepare a program, overcome possible difficulties, and benefit from practical resources.

Who in my local church may help organize an Orphan Sunday?

It is beneficial to organize Orphan Sunday with a team, and especially with those who understand God’s heart for the orphan and want vulnerable children to experience God’s love for them through the church. Adoptive or foster parents, people engaged in global orphan care or passionate about helping children, others who are experienced in planning events, and the pastor and worship leader are good people to ask to be involved.

Most often, a passionate advocate for children is the best leader for this team and ideally sees themselves as a facilitator, engaging others in the church who can contribute with their strengths. The pastor can help bring a strong message and suggest the flow of the service given their experience doing this each Sunday. A good event coordinator can ensure you think of all parts of the gathering, from welcome to fellowship afterward. A worship leader can contribute music, prayer, and other forms of worship and reflection.  Some can contribute to graphics, art, or displays that draw people into seeing the need and God’s heart for orphans. And others can help with the many practical tasks needed for any event.

What could be key activities for Orphan Sunday?

  • Preaching and teaching the Word of God – Focus your sermon or teaching on Bible passages and stories that reflect God's heart for vulnerable children and families. The Bible is full of stories that reflect God's love and care for orphans and the vulnerable, expressed in care, love, protection, adoption, or foster care.
  • Prayer – Pray for vulnerable children and families in your city, country, or in specific countries where your congregation is ministering. Lift up those impacted by war, conflict, floods, earthquakes, etc.
  • Worship – Be intentional by including songs or special music that reflect God's heart for the vulnerable and His adoption of us into His family.
  • Testimony / Stories – Provide opportunities for adoptive and foster parents, adoptees, and those involved in ministry to vulnerable children to share their stories to inspire others.
  • Next Steps – Give people clear ways to respond to what they learn on Orphan Sunday. Connect them with specific needs, ministries/organizations, or opportunities for continued learning.

Other possible Orphan Sunday activities: 

  • Involve children in leading worship or reading God’s Word during the service.
  • Show a video of an inspiring story. You can find some on WWO’s YouTube channel.
  • Have a meal, refreshments, or fellowship time as a congregation.

We are here to help!

The process of preparing and having Orphan Sunday in your local church will be an enriching experience for you, the team, and the church, and this page is meant to help you with that process. If you need practical advice as you prepare, you may benefit from writing to one of the WWO Orphan Sunday Consultants. 

Barbara Rüegger (for support in English or German) - barbara.ruegger[at]withoutorphans.org 

Kristen Friesen (for support in English) - kristen[at]worldwithoutorphans.org 

Pachi Maria de la Paz Zabala (for support in Spanish) - latinamerica[at]worldwithoutorphans.org 
