Are You My Mother?

Posted on: 2025-02-07

I dreamt last night that I was visiting an orphanage for disabled children; children with such severe physical handicaps, they were almost frightening to look at. I was drawn to one particular boy sitting on the floor. As I stared into his eyes, I was overcome with pity, and real pain for his lonely and miserable existence.  

“I want a mom,” he said softly to me. I didn’t know what to do so I asked if I could pray for him. His entire countenance fell, indicating I was not the first person to offer this. His head bowed in resignation as I began praying for his comfort and protection, among other things. My eyes were open as I prayed, watching his face turned down; his big, sad eyes staring at the floor.  

“I really just want a mom,” he said again quietly as I prayed.  

I woke up almost immediately, overwhelmed by the sadness of this little boy.  I’ve seen those same haunting eyes in the faces of the children I cared for in a Romanian orphanage: children in desperate need of a loving father and mother. Friends, by all means, pray for the vulnerable children of the world. Beseech the Almighty to provide love, comfort, and a family for them. But don’t stop there... 

Maybe YOU are that family. Maybe YOU are being called to open your home and heart to a child in need. Perhaps you are not willing at this time. Are you willing to be made willing?  

“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10 

Amy Hutchison, WWO Europe's Manager
