Ruby Johnston, L.S.W.

Director of International Field Operations – Institute for Human Services; Co-founder - LAMb International

Ruby Johnston has served as the director of the Institute for Human Services - Canada for 14 years and has over 30 years experience working as a manager, consultant and trainer. Her master’s degree is in organizational development and doctoral work in the same area. Ruby is a licensed Social Worker and works globally as a consultant and trainer in the area of Child Welfare, Leadership and Management.  She works in in both the public and private sector.

She has helped lead implementation of training systems in several US states and Canadian Provinces.  She is the author of numerous training programs being used across the globe.

Ruby has conducted training in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Belarus, Mongolia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Japan, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil, South Africa, and Botswana.  She is the co-founder of two international registered organizations – ILDC in Ukraine and ILDC in Kyrgyzstan.

She is a birth parent, an adoptive parent and a former foster parent.  

WWO Interview with Ruby:
As a participant in the upcoming Global Forum for a World Without Orphans to be held on February 11-14, 2016 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Ronnie Mosley interviewed Ruby about her heart for orphan ministry.

WWO: How did God open your eyes and heart for the orphan?

RUBY: My involvement in foster care is what opened my eyes and heart to the needs of the orphan. The first child that Lynn and I fostered made me aware that very little in the way of resources and help was being provided for children in the foster care system other than just being fed and clothed. With research I found that there were services available to the foster children and families that were not being utilized,  This quest for help led me to being hired as a social worker and ultimately launched me into the work that I do now. 

WWO: Tell us three things that every Christian leader should know when it comes to caring for orphans?


1. Put away your own ideas. Learn what has happened to orphans and how their experiences have affected their brain development so that you can care for them in a way that is going to bring healing to their life. 

2. Don’t give up.  It is not about tough love; it is about continuous love and always being there. 

3. Tell them again and again that they are special; they are chosen; their life has a purpose; and, they always have a place at your table. Do this without looking for return for yourself. 

WWO: What is your message to the global church in one or two sentences?

RUBY: The global church is responsible for children and families and their health and well being, not the government. The orphan crisis is not a government problem, it is a church problem. The message for the church is to rise; to be available; to become equipped; to be effective; and, to serve with excellence. 

WWO: What excites you most about being part of the Global Forum for a World Without Orphans?

RUBY: The Holy Spirit is alive and working rapidly around the world. Being a part of a World Without Orphans is simply meeting the call of what God has put in the hearts of many people and allowing them to work as one body. What excites me most is to be a part of the movement of the Holy Spirit and being able to be used as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Another thing that excites me about the Global Forum is that it is not just another conference.  We already have enough conferences. I am excited about the way that the Global Forum will equip people with solid tools to return to their communities and churches to develop a strong orphan ministry.
