
Local Leader Thrives in WWO Learning Community

Eddie is a leader who has a remarkable testimony of God’s power and goodness in his life. He grew up orphaned and alone living on the streets in Zimbabwe. His life was full of suffering and pain. He experienced things that no child should ever have to go through.  Just when things looked hopeless, God reached out and pulled Eddie into a life full of learning his true identity as a child of God and experiencing the Father’s embrace as He loved Eddie into his purpose.  

Eddie began to transform from the inside out. He opened a school in his community to help orphaned and vulnerable children and families in his community. He created a team that began to address the most immediate needs of those around them, from education and meals to holistic care. 

Eddie is an active part of the WWO Zimbabwe learning community where each leader supports each other with friendship, training, prayer, and resources.  

Watch this video to learn more about the remarkable journey of his life and how God is moving to change a community through Eddie and Zimbabwe Without Orphans’ learning community. 
