What started as an outreach to help mothers and children displaced from Ukraine due to the Russian invasion in 2022 has multiplied to spread hope and love and strengthen over 2,761 adults and 1,352 children participating in WWO Hope Groups.
Since July, 80 new groups have been implemented, helping 560 families. New Hope Groups are being launched in every region of the world. They are also gaining respect in government, university, and scientific circles as practical, evidence-based tools to help families in crisis.
In collaboration with the Global Parenting Initiative, WWO representatives spoke on the success of the HOPE Groups at the 2024 Congress of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (IPSCAN) held in Sweden this summer.
These evidence-based groups have been scientifically evaluated, and their results speak for themselves:
- 64% reduction of violence against children among Ukrainian families impacted by war and displacement
- 62% increase in caregiver hopefulness
Nicole Baldonado, Hope Group Coordinator, tells us what has been unexpected about Hope Groups.