
Global Forum Conversation Leads to Hope Group for Refugees

There are many life-changing and powerful things that happen at the Global Forum. Seemingly simple conversations and connections with other leaders from all over the world are just some of them. For Nicole Baldonado, WWO Program Coordinator for Hope Groups, one conversation she had with a leader from a FBO (Faith-based organization) in Malaysia, became life-giving to a group of women from Afghanistan who are refugees in Malaysia. They recently completed the first Hope Group in that country and the impact was evident in the participant feedback. 

Here is what one participant, who has experienced the pain and loss that comes with displacement shared:   

“Hope Groups was useful for us. Before, we had stress but don’t know how to control. We thought only we ourselves have stress but now we know that it’s normal. Also useful for our families we can understand when our kids are angry, we should understand them and listen to them.” 
