Runesu Kwaramba

Zimbabwe Without Orphans, Trainer; Celebration College, Lecturer; Marketing and Communications Expert

Runesu holds an executive MBA and has many years of experience in the business and corporate sector. He holds a diploma in biblical studies and, as a gifted teacher of children and adults, serves in his local church’s children's ministry. He is also a Celebration College lecturer. 

Runesu serves as a trainer for Zimbabwe Without Orphans, which offers a comprehensive menu of curriculums that support child welfare and best practices, trauma-informed care, as well as the WWO Roadmap for leaders and pastors. Runesu has traveled regionally for ZWO and is passionate about building capacity that produces better outcomes for children. 

Runesu and his wife, Heather, have a blended family of ten children, several of whom are adopted. Their passion for loving and parenting children has made them not only role models for other families on the adoption and foster care journey, but also advocates and mentors in a local ministry that promotes family-based care solutions and family preservation. Runesu is grateful to be fulfilling his call to father the fatherless in his home country of Zimbabwe. 
