Damaris Barrios, who graduated in psychology in 2016 and added specialized training in Family Systemic Therapy in Paraguay in 2018, has demonstrated her dedication to child well-being. Her passion for working with children has focused on a crucial challenge: their relationship with parents.
Since 2022, Damaris has coordinated the Familinea project, a helpline for parents. She provides expert advice and trains church leaders in support groups, making a significant impact on parenting. Her professional commitment was solidified in 2023 when she became a trainer in child care for adoptive families and residential caregivers, certified by LAMb International.
Now 30 years old, Damaris, an Argentine residing in Paraguay, has dealt with the loss of two children, an experience that has strengthened her determination to give love and support. Together with her husband, they view adoption as a way to save lives and offer a loving home to needy children, emphasizing that it is done not to replace but to build new stories of hope and affection.