Dear WWO family, we PRAISE GOD for what He is doing in Paraguay! Inspired by what we have witnessed God doing through His Church around the world, we have started on our own journey of faith. One that seeks to collaborate with others, implement best care practices and ultimately build "walls" of protection for children and families in Paraguay.
God has truly opened some incredible doors for our national movement, Paraguay Protects Families (PPF). Together with the Minister of Children, we recently met with the first lady of Paraguay in preparation for the training visit of a group of child care professionals (a judge, lawyer and social worker) from SFAC UK, which we organized together with the Ministry of Children, with the financial and technical support from ROLE UK and UKAid. While hosting these international specialists, we were able to sit with the Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice, who were moved and enthusiastically HOPEFUL about working TOGETHER, government agencies, PPF and other private sector groups, to better respond to the needs of the vulnerable especially by prioritizing family-based care.
Later, the head of the British Embassy hosted a get together for our PPF team and international specialists, alongside the Minister of Children and the Chair of the Association of Magistrates for Children's Courts. Among these, ongoing collaboration to develop better processes for children in need of special protection was proposed. This was followed by a private dinner with the Vice President of Paraguay and his wife, where we challenged them to LEAD in the transformation of the way children are cared for, and the amazing opportunity they have to be a clear example of this to other developing nations.
Our PPF team along with the folks from SFAC also met with the State Attorney General, as well as the General Public Defender. As the head of the institution that represents children separated from their families, the General Public Defender was more than enthusiastic to work together with our movement to achieve radical change for the way these precious young ones are cared for and to see that they can effectively grow in safe, loving families.
All that is only possible because of God opening doors!!! There are still many obstacles before us, and every step is one that must be taken in FAITH knowing He goes before us. We know that God will continue opening doors for us as a national movement, as well as for the organizations, churches, and families who will respond a take up the cause of the widowed and the orphaned. We place our entire trust and hope in Him to do His work and are privileged to be tools in His Hands.
Paraguay Protege Familias Spanish Website with Video and Stories