Uganda Orphan Sunday Sensitization 2016

Outreach to South Sudanese Refugees in Adjumani
Posted on: 2016-09-16
Uganda Orphan Sunday Sensitization 2016

The 2016 Orphan Sunday initiative in Uganda is to conduct a variety of activities and programs intended to empower churches to become vehicles of hope to the vulnerable South Sudanese children and women. These activities will primarily target churches from 3 refugee camps and local churches in Adjumani to offer the most needed spiritual and psychosocial support.

An entire generation hangs in a balance with tens of thousands of children homeless and helpless.

Below is a highlight of what is planned

  1. 40 days of Prayer and Fasting for South Sudan. Starting on Sunday 25th September until Sunday 30th October, 1000 leaders and churches in Uganda and South Sudan will pray for South Sudan on specific areas as listed in the prayer guide.
  2. Trauma Counselling Training to 350 pastors in Refugee camps and local churches in Adjumani District. Each church in the refugee camp shall bring 3 leaders and its lead pastor for trauma counselling and foster care. 35 USD needed to train 1 leader. 
  3. Peace Games for children & Youths- will train coaches and run over 12 games for children and youths to take part with a goal of promoting peace and unity.
  4. Donation of basic items to children: Will mobilise and distribute most urgently needed physical items to orphaned children and widows. These items among others will include; clothing, food supplies, beddings, scholastic materials & accommodation facilities.
  5. Construction of semi-permanent classroom structures for kindergarten and primary school going children at 3 church locations.
  6. Training of children’s ministers to conduct Evangelism & Discipleship through Sunday school and bible clubs in refugee camps started 3rd September and will go on until 15th October 2016.
  7. 1 Week Mission –There will be evangelistic meetings from 23rd to 29th October 2016 to preach the gospel to encourage, comfort and pray for healing. 


Uganda Orphan Sunday Sensitization 2016

Target areas: Pagirinya 1 & 2, Nyumanzi Refugee camps


Targeted children: 1000


  1. To build hope and unity among South Sudanese people through preaching the reconciling gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. To equip the South Sudanese church ministers with effective biblical trauma counselling skills to reach out to people
  3. To provide basic need to the most vulnerable South Sudanese refugee children and widows.

Theme: Isaiah 61:1-2

"And the things which we have heard and known; things which our forefathers taught us, we will not hide them from their children. We will tell the generations to come; the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord and His power and the wondrous works He has done...that they may set their hope in God" Psalms 78:3-4,7

Bongole Patrick Musagala 
Team Leader - Kisima Island Mission
Coordinator - The 40 Day Prayer Covenant for Kids Uganda
 +256 775 328 299   +256 793 017 488 
