
Mary Muleebwa Kamanzi

Mary Muleebwa Kamanzi

Mary Muleebwa Kamanzi is Rwandan, the first born of ten children. Mary has been married to Methode Kamanzi for 32 years, giving birth to three biological children but blessed to parent and raise eight children.

Currently, Mary serves as the Executive Director of The Rwanda PEACE Plan, where she previously headed the family and orphan care initiative.

Mary also participates in the leadership of Youth with A Mission Rwanda. She has established a Christian school in Kigali that is not for the rich. Together with her husband, they've worked in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa. 

Mary & Methode are very involved in their local church, Christian Life Assembly. They serve in the eldership team and head the church family ministry.
Mary is passionate about discipleship, education, early childhood, orphan care, and reaching out to the vulnerable. She also loves family, travelling, interior design, hangouts, a good laugh, working out, prayer walking, and having her own quiet time.
