Dmytro and Tanya Bereza

Technology Lead, Global Team

A native of Dnipro, Ukraine, Dmytro has been with the World Without Orphans (WWO) movement since its inception, providing technical expertise to multiple areas. His journey in orphan care started with a call in his childhood to build a friendship with an orphan. Later Dmytro would marry his wife Tanya, who ministered to teens aging out of orphanages. These events ultimately led to Dmytro joining the orphan care ministry full time in 2012. Dmytro enjoys life in Ukraine with his lovely wife and their two sons, almost identical twins full of bright ideas and kind hearts. Dmytro has a passion to see children thriving and families strong, and is delighted to put his effort into the next generation.

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Dmytro and Tanya Bereza
Dmytro and Tanya Bereza Budget:0.00Raised:13,562.00
Technology Lead, Global Team
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