Welcome to the team Amy!

Posted on: 2024-05-15

Twenty four years ago, when I dreamed of moving to Romania to help orphans, I couldn’t have imagined where I would be today, nor the journey that brought me here. Last year, when I met Richard for the first time at the WWO European forum, I told him I wanted to get involved. My enthusiasm must’ve not scared him off too much. Because here I am, a little over a year later, writing this as the new Operational Manager for WWO Europe.

I thought about how to introduce myself, but for now I will say this: I am passionate to serve the thousands of children across Europe who for one reason or another are separated from their families. For the precious souls left in hospital-like rooms for the disabled, without the comfort of loving arms to hold them. I’m passionate for the children living in fear and uncertainty due to war, abuse, or poverty. I ache for the overwhelmed parents left to make heart-wrenching decisions.

It’s exciting to join a movement of men and women who are giving their lives to care and advocate for the most vulnerable population. I am thrilled to be a part of the WWO Europe facilitation team, and have been humbled by their commitment and enthusiasm. I look forward to getting to know you better in the days to come, and want you to know that we are cheering you on as you serve the children and families of Europe. Let’s do this journey together!

Welcome to the team Amy!