24-27 October 2019

Chiang Mai, Thailand


about the forum

The 2nd Global Forum for a World Without Orphans was a tremendous success! From the inspirational and encouraging speakers in the general sessions to the practical knowledge imparted in the choice sessions, it was overwhelmingly clear that the Lord was at work as we gathered!  With 500 in attendance from 70 nations, it was a beautiful space for new relationships to be formed and participants left with renewed commitments to the work being done in their countries to end orphanhood and vulnerability.  

One of the exciting things that took place at the Forum was the signing of the Chiang Mai Declaration, a united statement expressing our commitment as the global body of Christ to pursue a world where every child is cared for in a safe and loving family, and where every child reaches their God-given potential (you can also join and sign the declaration here).
The 2nd Global Forum for a World Without Orphans may be over, but the momentum that started at the gathering is gaining as we continue to hear reports of regional and national teams collaborating. 

Here's what participants in the Global Forum are saying... 

... about future plans:  

"I have renewed my efforts & strategies to get out into the churches and among the general population of people within the countries I travel and train with the information gathered at WWO; and to take the Road Map and share it among small groups globally!" 

"After the Forum, I shared what I have got with my colleagues and our partners. I am now is translating the Life Skill into [our language] for our organization to use it in our projects of working with vulnerable children." 

... about the immediate outcomes: 

"After I returned to my country, Lord used me to put 3 orphan children in the family. My work is going on continue." 

"I did get 1 family to take in 1 boy from our children's home right after the conference!  It's a first, and a huge miracle!! I plan to contact the pastors in our city about fostering." 

... about valuable insights: 

"Collaboration!!!! [An insight] That I needed to stop trying to do things alone and collaborate." 

"God was showing us how he is using his people around the globe to accomplish his vision for children who are orphaned or vulnerable.  While each individual effort may at times seem small or insignificant in relation to the size of the problem, each individual effort is like a pebble thrown into a lake which causes a ripple that becomes a wave that ultimately becomes the tide that creates change." 

Watch Highlights from the Global Forum for a World Without Orphans

Immediate outcomes

  • Increased Collaboration among global, regional, and national faith leaders in unity towards a common agenda: 
    • Supporting each other and those we serve, spiritually, relationally, practically; 
    • Uniting to care for orphaned and vulnerable children and families by using best practices 
    • Engaging to prevent orphan-hood and vulnerability, by strengthening families 
  • Trained national leaders, totaling 500 from 70 countries, with tools from the WWO Roadmap to equip local church leaders for family-based care and orphanhood prevention 
  • Regional ambassadors launched to help support and sustain national ‘Without Orphans’ collaborations and trainings 

Long-term outcomes


A New Global Paradigm

Family-strengthening and prevention of root causes of vulnerability as 2 priorities of the Global Church


Children in Loving Families

Children living in safe, stable, and nurturing families through family-strengthening, reunification, foster care or adoption


More People Mobilized

Hundreds and thousands of pastors and Christian leaders equipped in each nation to build the capacity of others to use the WWO Roadmap, a core set of web-based free-access tools that will help strengthen families.

who attended

  • National and local leaders, including pastors, youth, and children’s ministry leaders, as well as other church and denominational leaders 
  • FBO, NGO, and ministry leaders, professionals, experts 
  • National millennial leaders whose hearts are moved to change their nation for children and youth 
  • Global/regional trainers and experts working in family-strengthening, orphan care, adoption or foster care, and prevention of vulnerability for families and children 
  • Business leaders wishing to invest meaningfully for impact, to replace vulnerability with hope for children and families in nations, regions, and the world 
  • Government officials 
  • Media leaders 
  • Orphan care practitioners, including adoptive and foster parents 

* all attendees received an official invitation/approval to attend 


