Choice Session 4
Saturday, March 2 – 11:00–12:20
34) Real Talk on Abuse Prevention and Healing HopePrevention
Susan Hillis (Moderator), Elizabeth Melendez Good
Real Talk — a systemic pathway and live coaching tool to prevent sex trafficking, exploitation, and abuse — carries an anointed and urgent message of hope: (1) We cannot walk in our calling when we are trapped in our past. (2) Churches, families, and parents can become havens of hope. (3) Instead of walking alone with our secrets, we can be free to speak and pray about our traumas and abuses. We can learn the language so as to talk effectively with children and grandchildren about accessing help when they face such matters. We are blessed by being reminded “to ask for where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for our souls” (Jeremiah 6:16).
Susan Hillis (Moderator), Elizabeth Melendez Good
35) Evidence-based Parenting Across Cultures and Contexts — Lessons from Pandemics and Innovations, from Christian, Hindu, and Muslim ContextsPrevention
Praveen Gomez (Moderator), Gary Kamaal, Lulu Ngcobo, Nisreen Hawatmeh
The pandemic, wars, disasters, and social inequalities have caused new challenges and vulnerabilities for children and families. But there are lessons from pandemic adaptations and innovations that can help all of us succeed in reaching those most in need. From parent texts to Parent Chat, to digital options, to church-linked phone mentoring, to in-person options, and across Christian-, Hindu- and Muslim-majority cultures — there is something that works for everyone in every place!
Praveen Gomez (Moderator), Gary Kamaal, Lulu Ngcobo, Nisreen Hawatmeh
36) Theology and Science as Companions in Hope: God’s Heart for Children and Spiritual Values That Protect ChildrenPrevention
Sydney Tucker (Moderator), Pachi Zabala, Phil Green
This session will address spiritual, relational, and practical aspects of our motivation and skills in caring for children and families in crisis. Phil will share inspiring principles from Viva’s 20 years of work on understanding God’s heart for children. Then Pachi will share fresh insights from Latin America on this topic. Finally, we will close by reviewing new evidence on the practical ways in which key spiritual values help protect children from violence and abuse. A moderated discussion will follow to help participants recognize how these principles can help guide their actions after the forum is over.
Sydney Tucker (Moderator), Pachi Zabala, Phil Green
37) Safety and Hope for Women and Youth — in Homes and on PhonesPrevention
Nicole Baldonado (Moderator), Anu Silas, Dmytro Bereza
Phone and internet safety is a significant concern for our youth and children. We will discuss prevention strategies that our communities can take to safeguard our young people online. Raising community awareness of domestic violence, providing strategic training, and leveraging collaboration with law enforcement and community leaders are essential to prevent violence against women and children. We will review the impact of crises such as war, disasters, and displacement on the safety of women and children, and we will see how evidence-based interventions and skill building help to empower vulnerable families, children, and youth to stay safe in their relationships.
Nicole Baldonado (Moderator), Anu Silas, Dmytro Bereza
38) Art and Media Creative Workshop 1Broadscale Collaboration
Michelle Taylor, Nikita Pandey
This workshop will be offered twice as Part 1 and Part 2. It is open to all who wish to explore what creativity means and can look like in our mission toward a world without orphans. The purpose of this workshop is to explore how art and media can become areas of positive impact for orphans and vulnerable children and channels of outreach for younger-generation leaders in the WWO ecosystem. This session will help you celebrate the gift of creativity given to us by the ultimate Creator — God — and explore the role that creative arts and media can play in driving collaborative initiatives that fulfill the WWO vision in your church, city and country.
Michelle Taylor, Nikita Pandey
39) Spiritual Disciplines That Replenish UsLiving Refreshed
Anthony Morsella, Ari Morsella
This session will emphasize the vital role that intimacy with the Lord plays in the life of the believer. It will emphasize how prioritizing relational connection with the Lord is foundational to a thriving ministry life and spiritual growth. Attendees will gain an understanding of how we are wired for connection with God and how much he desires communion with us. We will illustrate ways to cultivate an abiding lifestyle, highlighting spiritual practices that lead us into deeper connection. The aim is that those attending will leave with renewed perspectives and practical ways to practice connection.
Anthony Morsella, Ari Morsella
40) Hearing God's VoiceLiving Refreshed
Daniel Kaggwa, Ruth Sharon
Hearing the voice of God is not only possible but necessary for a vibrant spiritual walk with God. Jesus said that we will live by every word that God speaks. In this session, we will investigate various ways in which God speaks and how we can respond in a mature way when we believe we have heard him. The session will include personal testimonies and an opportunity for practical application.
Daniel Kaggwa, Ruth Sharon
41) Children with Disabilities: A Journey from Institutional Care to Family Care in Low-Resource SettingsIntervention
Pete Garratt (Moderator), Srey Ni, Innocent Habimfura, Tessa Boudrie
In many institutional care settings globally children with disabilities make up the majority and are often left behind while children without disabilities are prioritised for support. These children deserve a loving and safe family. Join us as we share learning and voices from children with disability from the Rwanda journey of systems change – showing that both reunifying children with disabilities with their families and supporting families to care for their children with disabilities is possible even in a low resource setting. We will also hear from Cambodia, supporting children with disabilities ensuring they can grow up in families. We’ll create space for session attendees to share their perspectives, ask and answer the tough questions, hopefully busting a few myths along the way and encouraging one another as we go.
Pete Garratt (Moderator), Srey Ni, Innocent Habimfura, Tessa Boudrie
CANCELLED 42) Creative Thinking for Engaging Your Local Community on Behalf of Children and Families: Part 1Intervention
Colleen Milstein, Janna Moats
In this workshop, we will use a critical thinking model (the 360° Model) to learn how to analyze issues facing a community, evaluate the dilemmas, and develop strategies that engage all parts of the community to collaborate in the best interest of children and their families. We will look at God's intentions for the child’s interaction with community stakeholders at multiple levels and at keys for engaging multifaith communities in minority-Christian nations. You will gain critical thinking skills and tools to evaluate your strategies and re-evaluate your practice.
Part 1 will cover critical thinking skills as applied within a biblical perspective.
Colleen Milstein, Janna Moats
57) Equipping Local Churches to Help Children Exposed to Mass TraumaIntervention
Jonathan Wilson
With increasing crises in our world, children who are the most vulnerable, are increasingly put at risk of suffering developmentally from trauma exposure. This workshop will introduce OperationSAFE, a 5-day local church run mental health psychosocial support intervention that immediately reduces post-traumatic stress symptoms and connects children to ongoing support in their communities. I will share some key principles with working with 6-12 yr old children and strengthening their resilience by creating a resilient community.
Jonathan Wilson
43) Pathway to Healing — First Steps: Holistic Rehabilitation Program for War Crimes SurvivorsIntervention
Tetiana Machabeli
War, natural disasters, crisis, trauma and world disorder are all producing extreme and violent situations in today’s world. This session will explore the recent program delivered in Ukraine, called Pathway to Healing — First Steps. Developed to address the crimes of violence, including rape and torture, that are perpetrated against civilians and prisoners of war, the program can now have an impact on others too. What can help those who suffer? How do we address body, mind and spirit for healing? Why are there 7 different pathways? The impact of this program has been very significant.
Tetiana Machabeli
44) Building Attachment with Youth Using the Circle of Security and Promoting ResiliencyIntervention
Barbara Ruegger
Trauma hinders child development, attachment, and a child’s capacity to be successful. This session will engage each participant in considering how to attach to a child and build resilience in the process. Resilience trumps trauma!
Barbara Ruegger
45) Prevention and Intervention with Trafficking: Child Brides and Child TraffickingIntervention
Sondra Adams, Sean Mullens
One of the most serious exploitation issues vulnerable youth experience is that of being trafficked. This interactive session will focus on bride kidnapping, child brides, labor trafficking, trafficking for sexual activity, and medical trafficking. Prevention and Intervention strategies will be discussed.
Sondra Adams, Sean Mullens
Choice Session 5
Saturday, March 2 – 14:00–15:20
46) Innovations in Community Safeguarding: Innovations from Zambia, Uganda, Ukraine and Sri LankaPrevention
Sue Austen (Moderator), Daniel Kaggwa, Hannah Fairs-Billam, Lyudmila Bryn, Martin Kapenda, Shamindra Fernando
Innovations around the world are strengthening safeguarding for children. Zambian experts will showcase ways to strengthen community safeguarding through playground-based approaches (similar to play therapy). We will discuss an inspiring new global tool to strengthen safeguarding for refugee and displaced children. Ugandan and Ukrainian program leaders will share lessons on using camps to strengthen safeguarding and healing from trauma. Finally, we will learn from the Sri Lanka experience how legal reform is helping to protect children.
Sue Austen (Moderator), Daniel Kaggwa, Hannah Fairs-Billam, Lyudmila Bryn, Martin Kapenda, Shamindra Fernando
47) Parenting for All Seasons: Grace-Informed and Positive — Learning from Successes in Uganda, Latin America, and Sri LankaPrevention
Sydney Tucker (Moderator), Hazel Cedeno, Patrick Bongole, Raghu Balachandran, Sarah Kwagala
Parenting opens the door to discerning children’s identity and destiny, and to encouraging them positively to grow toward their God-given purpose. This session will focus on integrating positive parenting from a spiritual, relational, and practical angle. We will use a learning community approach with parents and humble leaders who are recognized and respected for multiplying their grace-informed and positive parenting approaches.
Sydney Tucker (Moderator), Hazel Cedeno, Patrick Bongole, Raghu Balachandran, Sarah Kwagala
48) The WWO Roadmap: Prevention — News from Experts and ImplementersPrevention
Susan Hillis (Moderator), Praveen Gomez, Stella Ayo-Odongo
Interact with experts and program leaders on how to prevent violence before it happens! Every year, over one billion children — one of every two children globally — experience serious abuse. These numbers are growing as crises such as wars, pandemics, and disasters increase! This session will cover the internationally recognized evidence-based resource “INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children.” The strategies provide guidance on how to implement, adapt, and monitor programs to prevent violence against children. You will hear stories of how the strategies can be adapted for use in church or other faith settings.
Susan Hillis (Moderator), Praveen Gomez, Stella Ayo-Odongo
49) Protecting Our Children from PornographyPrevention
Melinda Tankard Reist
This session will describe the damage that early pornography exposure causes to young people’s well-being, leading to harmful ideas about bodies, sexuality and relationships. The session will discuss practical ways in which we can protect our children. The presenter is an expert in the field and is co-founder and director of the grassroots movement Collective Shout, which seeks a world free of sexploitation.
Melinda Tankard Reist
50) Art and Media Creative Workshop 2Broadscale Collaboration
Michelle Taylor, Nikita Pandey
The workshop is open to all who wish to explore what creativity means and can look like in our mission toward a world without orphans. The purpose of this workshop is to explore how art and media can become areas of positive impact for orphans and vulnerable children and channels of outreach for younger-generation leaders in the WWO ecosystem. This session will help you celebrate the gift of creativity given to us by the ultimate Creator — God — and explore the role that creative arts and media can play in driving collaborative initiatives that fulfill WWO vision in your church, city and country.
Those who missed Part 1 can still do this session.
Michelle Taylor, Nikita Pandey
51) Comfort from God's WordLiving Refreshed
Sara Vargas
There are moments in life when we feel lonely and weak, when it seems that everything has gone wrong, and when we feel as if we have misunderstood God's calling for us. All the heroes of faith in the Bible faced such moments, but they found comfort, light, truth, direction, and life in the words spoken by God. The Bible teaches us simple strategies that can make a huge difference in our lives. In this session, we will share practical pathways that lead us to find comfort in God's word.
Sara Vargas
CANCELLED 52) Creative Thinking for Engaging Your Local Community on Behalf of Children and Families: Part 2 - Intervention
- Colleen Milstein, Janna Moats
53) 53) There is Hope for Me: An interactive trauma recovery workbook for children and youthIntervention
Tami Snowden
“There Is Hope for Me” is an effective tool to help children and youth work through their feelings and hurts stemming from traumatic experiences. This free workbook is relevant to trauma and can be used one-on-one or in a small group setting. In this session, you will (1) learn a four-step trauma intervention strategy that is implemented when using There Is Hope for Me; (2) learn about child success stories using the program; (3) learn how to effectively take a child or youth through There Is Hope for Me; and (4) practice, with a partner, presenting a page of the workbook.
Tami Snowden
54) Preparing Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Families to Receive and Care for ChildrenIntervention
Marcos Vergara, Valeria Caceres, Damaris Barrios
Bringing a child into your home who has been separated from their birth family can be a daunting and challenging experience. Research indicates the clear benefits of preparing an adoptive, foster, or kinship family in advance of receiving a child. In this workshop we will discuss how to equip families for their new journey.
Marcos Vergara, Valeria Caceres, Damaris Barrios
55) A Pathway to Healing: Creative Healing Through Art and Play TherapyIntervention
Maran Maayah Abujaber
Embark on a transformative journey to examine how evidence-based strategies of play, art, and creativity take center stage in trauma healing. This session is designed to address the unique needs of children, especially those who have faced the challenges of orphanhood, and nurture emotional well-being and resilience. Explore the profound impact of art and artistic endeavors as pathways to healing, fostering joy and growth in the lives of these resilient young individuals. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and practical application, ensuring a profound and lasting understanding of the transformative power of art in healing the lives of children.
Maran Maayah Abujaber
56) Fundraising: The Art of RelationshipsInterventionBroadscale CollaborationPrevention
Dmytro Bereza, Anu Silas, Karmen Friesen
Fundraising as a source of financing your organization is an art. Whether it proves to be an exciting or a terrifying experience depends totally on your approach and attitude. This session will cover some theory along with answers to questions like "Why fundraise?" "What is involved?” "How do I start?" and "Whom should I contact?" as well as some real-life stories of success from countries with varying income levels.
Dmytro Bereza, Anu Silas, Karmen Friesen